Post by
westcanpride on May 13, 2022 11:12am
High Stakes Poker
In essence, Frontera management is playing an olf fashioned game of high stakes poker in Guyana. In their case, the buy in was over $500MM USD (i.e., seismic, land, Kawa-1 well, etc) and each additional round going forward costs ~100MM USD (i.e., Wei-1, etc).
The market, at the moment, is calling their bluff and is understandably pessimistic that they can keep playing long term (i.e., multiple exploration and appraisal wells). Yes, Frontera has indicated they can play around round for 2022 and is willing to drill Wei-1 on their own... but then what... does Wei-1 generate a Royal Flush for Frontera or do they come up with another Two-Pair/Kawa-1 type result?
Frontera's market cap is ~$1B USD... the market/poker participants (e.g. Exxon, Total, Chevron, etc) know that it's going to likely take ~$1B to properly explore/appraise Corentyne before any final game is decided (in this case, FID).
Management clearly did not get the initial poker hand they wanted in Kawa-1... yes, 200ft of pay is great, but less than 50% of it was oil. Even worse, their crown jewel Horizon 23/Santonian was not as great as expected. In reality, they came up with a two-pair type result. Not great, but not devestating.
Guess we will see how long Frontera keeps playing this poker game and who bluffs first (i.e., Frontera by farming down for less than desired OR some company getting antsy and overpaying). Exxon, Total, etc can clearly keep playing (i.e., drilling) for many years to come and can survive a less than desired hand or two... can Frontera?
Comment by
tkloebs on May 13, 2022 11:51am
They didnt install this kawa well in a location that maximizes pay column of H23 they targeted a location that they could accumulate information from multiple stacked zones. On the presentation they note that H23 likely has a thicker pay column away from exploration borehole. Some say 2 pair id say straight or flush. glass half empty always for you WCP
Comment by
tkloebs on May 13, 2022 2:02pm
A straight or a flush is not a fantastic hand in a game of poker. Its a middle of the road hand that only gets better with Wei results. Acting like a JV agreement comes overnight.. these kind of deals take a long time to draw up and execute. Patience grasshopper things are in the works
Comment by
IceDog13 on May 13, 2022 6:00pm
You must not play much poker!
Comment by
tkloebs on May 13, 2022 8:35pm
i cant tell you how many times ive lost with a straight ......
Comment by
ljmorin on May 13, 2022 12:39pm
Condy is worth money too. Hello. It sometimes out paces oil.