Comment by
SheDrills on Aug 21, 2023 11:59am
CGX Energy is a lifestyle company that by sheer luck managed to hang onto some great acreage....the issue we investors face now is whether or not they have the competence to negotiate a buyout or at least hire someone who does. Buyout has always been the prize here which is why Frontera continues to nibble away at them. Frontera sees the prize potential and is wants the glory of that deal.
Comment by
a2bman on Aug 21, 2023 1:04pm
SD I agree, and your last point is the main reason I'm still long. FEC/OYL could have done financings for the drilling but they chose to hold ii tight. If they have something they're probably, and I hope, waiting for sept. to release it. No point in releasing it during summer doldrums.
Comment by
Strawboss1 on Aug 21, 2023 8:18pm
It would b interesting to hear what oil_run has to say now.??