Post by
SheDrills on Nov 11, 2023 7:54pm
Game Theory
This is what I'm thinking..,
the cores revealed that the Santonian was a trash reservoir. Maybe Exxon or Total could do something w/ it but the current CGX/FEC team doesn't have the technical competency to make it work so they are writing it off and focusing on an an easier sales pitch.
These guys don't want to drill another well. Frontera drilling manager left the week after Wei was finished and Lacy likely never intended to be drilling a second well when he came on board in 2021. Lacy is in his late 60s, he has his own drilling consulting company and I would wager CGX is mostly headaches for him.
Comment by
SheDrills on Nov 11, 2023 7:57pm
I still think they are crooks....because if the Santonian is trash they had indicators of that when they told the market 210 ft of pay.
Comment by
SheDrills on Nov 11, 2023 9:14pm
Yes, I agree. They excluded the word "gross" from that June PR and I believe Frontera flat out lied on Friday w/ that pathetic excuse.