As for the zoom, apparently they will be discussing the mill pile situation as well as exploration plans.
Something to keep in mind is that a NI 43-101 compliant estimate for the mill piles won't be possible because of their amorphous nature. What we need to see is that money can be made from the gold mill pile(s), and if so, hopefully there will be an immediate go ahead with buying the equipment and proceeding.
A lot of numbers have been bandied about, but I'd be OK with a few US$ million and above, profit, although I'd hope for more. This would provide PHD with the road extension to the old Consuela, McCarthy, and Bonita mines (US$50K?) for drilling, and a solid drill program (4,000 meters for US $ 750K?).........of course it could net a lot more, or a whole lot more.......we will see in due time.
.When you look at the Providence photo on page 3,
click here you can see two sets of rail tracks that either one could have been used to move gold mill detritus.
To my mind, though, this pile may not be the only area at the Providence that has gold. My understanding is that after piping the water a long ways from higher up Duckwall creek for pressure, the water turned the wheel for the 10-stamp and then the water went down the long, steep building, (shown in photo on page 4), where the smashed ore was sluiced, gold retrieved, and mill ore waste perhaps also disposed down the steep embankment..... Waste rock from the tunneling and shaft digging would have been disposed elsewhere, and at least some of it left down below in mined out drifts, winzes, and lodes.
(on the page 4 photo you can see what may be the waste rock pile to the left,(north) of the buildings) To the right of the buildings you can see the large, flat area of the mill pile. Also, to the right on photo, you can see what I believe to be the Starr King mine area across Cedar gulch .......
This is all just my conjecture,. Do yer DD.