Post by
hintonkid on Jul 27, 2021 2:07am
Just a wild and wacky idea......
Just had a wild and wacky idea as to who the mystery buyer might be that Uppgard Konsult AB is representing. Don't ask me where this idea came from. It just popped into my head. For some strang reason Total Energy popped into my head so I went onto their website to check it out. The company has indicated that they have moved away from developing oil and gas projects in the Arctic regions and will no longer work to develope projects in the Canadian Oilsands. However, they are still interested in developing oil and gas projects that use clean, non-polluting, technologies to extract oil and gas from reserves. The company is looking to cleaner energy solutions including, of course, wind, solar, hydrogen and biofuels, etc., but still includes oil and gas in it's portfolio of sustainable energy for the world. If I recall, there is a batch of oil, from PQE, that was destine for a lab in the UK that was to be tested to determine if the recovered product would be compatible with one of PQE's partner developer's and that the details were expected to be released at some point toward the end of July. Total's website, as I have indicated earlier in my comments, states that they are still developing oil and gas projects but want to do it in a cleaner and non-polluting manner. They have also said that they would no longer carry out operations related to oilsands development and production in Canada but, to me, that doesn't mean they would not be looking at, say, Utah and PQE's clean oil recovery methods and their inexpensive, clean, non-polluting, technology. Total Energy has one of the main headquarters in the UK. Perhaps Total has had some dealings with the Uppgard brothers in some capacity in the past. I looked into the Uppgard family and though it would appear that they have their primary business dealings in the forestry industry they also are involved in a number of other Uppgard companies related to industrial activities, agriculture, stocks and bonds and industrial real-estate, etc. It looks like they have ties to at least 6 companies all of which appear to be privately held and not listed on EU exchanges. Perhaps, prior to Total's abandonment of the development of Arctic oil and gas projects including those in Scandinavian or other Northern waters Total did business with Uppgard companies as part of their off-shore operations but, that is for a better detective than myself to assertain. Just thought I would throw this crazy idea out to investors to mull over. Have a good night and I wish you good fortune and good buys.
Comment by
Apprentice on Jul 27, 2021 4:46am
+ 35 % in Germany, some assume Shell could play a role in that game as well !?