Post by
wintersun10 on Dec 03, 2023 8:39am
Bookvalue Listed at $0.20
At the time of the TownHall meeting it was around $0.30
Accounting for the r/s that is about a 90% decline.
Heck of a job.
Now, how meaningful bookvalue is who knows, but it is just another stat, all stats lead to the same conclusion. Poet has been crashed and burned.
Comment by
maestrodrumboe on Dec 03, 2023 11:43am
that about right,,SPX not worth much @ less than 20% funded and the patents,well they could be worth something anywhere from 0 to ?..POET is not a Nortel that had valuable patents that applied to proven commercialised products.Best thing would be a buyout..the 200 + mill tax loss WO,might be worth more to someone than the patents.imo.
Comment by
wintersun10 on Dec 03, 2023 12:03pm
OMG, tax losses are Poet's Crown Asset, claim to fame.