Post by
CLOUDER on Feb 14, 2022 11:00am
simple arithmetic
victory, simple arithmetic. PUL has staded that they make profit over $30 a barrel, well this is $50 a barrels now WCS. so $50 times say even 400 barrels is $20.000 a day profit, with a ramping up of the barrels a day well, and at bigoray they do not need to drill,the infastructure is in place so this is a hugh money maker man. if (when) oil goes over $100 $110 a barrel, MAN. PS plus don`t you get a premium for being a producer?
Comment by
Goldy63 on Feb 14, 2022 3:06pm
Bro . The freak cant read nor do math. Needs to go back to school , get a haircut , and a job already before mama throws him out on his butt.. Info dont lie . The freak just spews bs 24/ 7 as has no life. Long Pul.