Post by
trader53 on May 11, 2022 12:04pm
The market is irrational
Trading at .21 this morning you would think that PWM is fast asleep. No they are about to begin drilling, fully financed with a multi billion dollar partner searching for a commodity whose price is soaring. The risk reward profile at .21 is not often found. Dr. Julie Selway who has been on 90% of the lithium properties in Ontario to say of all the properties she has been on Case Lake has the best opportunity to become an economic deposit. She also made reference that Case Lake could become another Sinclair Mine. These are not the words of a Promoter these are the words of woman who has been dubbed by her piers as the Queen of Lithium. Patiently waiting for the drills to begin turning and all to willing to increase my holdings at these price levels.GLTA.
Comment by
frewil11 on May 17, 2022 10:05am
It has nearly been 5 weeks since they recieved the drilling permit , with alot of mineralization being at surface I imagine the first set of drill results will be excellent . GL