Post by
TrevDesch on Jun 02, 2021 4:11pm
Another newb question
When the warrants are converted, does Compushare deal with the open market. Or do they have a "chest"
of shares they can swap for the warrants as they are exercised? Also, how quickly after exercising do you think an investor could turn around and sell the stock they received?
Comment by
flyguy8888 on Jun 02, 2021 6:18pm
With this low share price, the shares from warrants will not be sold because the profit is not enough for the investors.
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StockscoutX on Jun 03, 2021 9:26am
Don't generalize. It all depends if you bought warrants and for how much. As for those that got the warrants from a PO they are still winners unless SP drops below $1.10. Then there are those that are speculating that the SP at these levels is a bargain to buy considering that after the june 16 the SP will be in full reversal and begin profiting from their newly acquired shares.
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Justreality on Jun 04, 2021 8:25pm
do u have any idea what u are talking about? $ to donuts u have been trading 3 4 years tops good luck to u