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Tactical Resources Corp V.RARE

Alternate Symbol(s):  USREF

Tactical Resources Corp. is a Canada-based mineral exploration and development company focused on rare earth elements based in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Company holds interests at the Peak Project in western Texas. The Company is also involved in the development of metallurgical processing techniques to further unlock rare earth element development potential. The Peak Project is located approximately 68 miles southeast of El Paso Texas and two miles southeast of the Round Top Rare Earth Element project owned by Texas Minerals Resources Corporation/USA Rare Earth (20/80% ownership split). The Company is a party to an agreement with the Sierra Blanca quarry that allows, for a fee, access to and a right of first purchase option to tailings material on the Sierra Blanca property, together with certain rights related to development and processing of the tailing material. The Peak Project asset is found within the Sierra Blanca Complex.

TSXV:RARE - Post by User

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  • Betteryear2X
Post by Betteryear2on Apr 07, 2022 8:50am
Post# 34583584

Tactical Resources Foresees Rare Earth Sector Growth

Tactical Resources Foresees Rare Earth Sector Growth

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tactical Resources Corp. (CSE: RARE) (“Tactical Resources” or the “Company”), a mineral exploration and development company focused on the rare earth elements (REE) that drive the green technologies of the future, is pleased to report on recent favourable industry sector actions on the part of the U.S. government aimed at increasing support for the domestic production of critical minerals.

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