Comment by
WaIterWhite on Nov 25, 2022 10:53pm
This was necessary before the DA
Comment by
Jaytee123 on Nov 26, 2022 1:35pm
Yesterdays news was a necessary pre cursor to a DA, and anyone reading the previous news before this knew the business plan needed to be agreed upon, why would anyone invest in buying Revo without a business plan to be executed?
Comment by
Jaytee123 on Nov 26, 2022 1:41pm
It’s pretty intriguing that some people can’t read. The process has been clearly laid out in news. 1. DDD (Done) 2. Mutual Business Plan (Done yesterday) 3. DA (pending) step 4 is party and celebrate
Comment by
Jaytee123 on Nov 26, 2022 2:27pm
The company will be bought out , who cares about what happens after ? what part of the fact that Revo doesn't just disappear after a buyout do you not understand ? Revo will be around forever. Fortunately, you won't be. Your endless erroneous narrative ends in a few more sleeps.
Comment by
Vision360 on Nov 26, 2022 9:09pm
I think steve thinks DA means DumbAsses because some are so gullible LOL
Comment by
Ubetiam on Nov 27, 2022 3:11am
Like when Trump said stupid people liked