Post by
Wally41 on Jul 10, 2023 9:40am
What's up?
The 30 days are up, and no info from SM yet. He must be sleeping, dreaming of the money he made from all of us. It must be nice! I would hope Revo would get more serious already. Steve should have been up early already talking to us. I guess she's thinking fast of another excuse for delay. You probably asked if like a dozen delay issues that he's going to use, he throws him in a hat and he picks one out and then he makes the announcement. Due to me getting a sliver in my finger we have to postpone for another 30 days, LOL. Typical for this company right. We all knew what's coming next and that is nothing, how far has that can been kicked on the road already my my word does Chad must be pretty crinkled and doesn't roll very good anymore down the road. It might come to a full stop.
Comment by
Wally41 on Jul 10, 2023 9:44am
Excuse some of the words in my text but the speech to text doesn't pick up my words properly sometimes, LOL.
Comment by
Jaytee123 on Jul 10, 2023 10:12am
Thought you're selling today? All talk of course.