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Royal Helium is a production, infrastructure, and exploration company with a primary focus on the development of helium and associated gases. The Company is currently producing purified helium at its Steveville Helium facility in Alberta and it's extensive footprint includes prospective helium permits and leases across southern Saskatchewan and southeastern Alberta. Given the current and foreseeable global undersupplied nature of this critical and non-renewable product, Royal is well positioned to be a leading North American producer of this increasingly high value commodity.
"Drilling continues to be positive with visuals supporting our objective of successfully testing the open-pit potential at the B26 Deposit with the goal of increasing near-surface tonnage over a 1.2-kilometre strike length. We are currently reviewing the possibility of adding a third drill in order to continue the momentum of these positive developments. We are eagerly awaiting the assay results from the over-limit tests to finalize and announce the results of our first two holes 1274-24-293 & 1274-24-294 next week."
A daily snapshot of everything from market open to close.
Spiro Kletas, VP Investor Relations 306-500-9397 spiro@royalheliumltd.com