Post by
Archmedia on Apr 23, 2024 10:16am
Anonymous still active this morning…
Yesterday I counted on all markets where Royal helium is traded and the number of shares sold by anonymous was close to 90% . Approximately 6 millions shares were sold yesterday with 5 millions shares from anonymous. I have been in contact with investors relations and they assure me everything is fine and they don't understand this level of negative trading. The trading seems to be using an algorithm style trading technique. Don't see this often. Who is this institutional investor and why are they selling.... I hope it's not a new financing and these sellers want shares at 10 cents with warrants at 12 cents expiring in three Everyone seems to be in the dark even management! Or are they ! I have been buying Royal since 45 cents.... obviously I'm not happy. Sometimes I wonder if the large discovery in Minnesota has silenced the feer of not having enough helium to supply the world. Maybe we should all go out tonight and buy balloons every day for our wife's , girlfriends , kids and why not to strangers and create a sudden crisis in the helium world lol.