First, RLV missed the March filing...COVID was to blame (understandable?).
THEN, they defaulted on their full-year ending June filing October 27th - put them into a Cease Trade Order.
"But, but...COVID and new auditors! We PROOOOOOMISE to file biweekly updates and then file our financials on or before Nov 28th"
They filed the first biweekly Nov 11th...nothing material, ergo no new business or funding.
Then they IGNORED the next biweekly deadline Nov 25th.
And now, SURPRISE: They missed a HUGE deadline November 28th of their full-year financials.
Have they just given up, and will put all of their shareholders in a COMPLETE TRADING HALT come this week?
What a burning trashbin of a company...hopefully the securities regulators hold both management and whatever remains of the Board of Directors (Two left: Andre Godin and Michel Timperio) accountable for their BREACH OF DUTY to the shareholders.