Post by
stockbaby on Oct 29, 2013 6:12pm
After a lot of
thinking, and crunching of numbers it seems to me that we are trading at a rediculous price. I agree the market is hostile and the price should be low, but..............................not this low.
I figure that we will see a ten cents per share deal come the spring or let the market discount this by 50%,..............................and you should show $0.05/share as a current market achieve a ten cent per share price the company needs to put together a $10Million deal equivelant........................can this be done....................the current management in Calgary is the best in the West, and they certainly do it.....................they may be able to deliver more who knows.......................but in any event they should be able to deliver a $10Million deal.................that's the way I see it............people selling at current price are missing a great opportunity (I am surprised that more people are not buying at the current price, but then again you have the bad market affect) ..............but I urge all to do their own DD...........GLTL
Comment by
birdie22 on Oct 29, 2013 7:31pm
Its hard to get filled. on Oct 9 th after the large .01 cent sell off I put in a bid for 142,000 shares at .01 cent, got the final fill to day a total of 5 separate fills . Not that easy to accumulate at .01 cents.
Comment by
moneymaker75 on Nov 04, 2013 3:03am
Read the company's last financial report...they wrote the assets down to $919K. That is what they think they can get out of it. That's pretty much what they wrote as an excuse for the writedown. Not even the management team itself thinks it's worth 5 cents, at least officially according to their accounting. Unofficially, they can say whatever ridiculous thing they want in the PR.