While I am concerned a bit of the motives around the recent purchase, I trust this is all a sign of insanely good times ahead.
I've said it several times now, but the stock price is super important to Andrew...and clearly Jamie as well. These guys are not in it for $1, or even $2 a share. These guys want $10+ a share, if not $20+
These guys are in it yo win it, and we should all be pretty pumped. Those of us that bought into this company for the last 5-10 years will be rewarded
Personally I'm looking forward to May / June. As far as RCH-01 goes, the current Silence to shareholders is NOT necessarily a sign they are not talking with Shisedo. It could be the case, but if it goes to court that only proves Shiseido has something special on their hands which bodes well for Replicel
My birthday is June 9 and I'm ready to celebrate a $5+ per share...I cannot think of a better bday
Go team Andrew, Jamie and the rest of us 25%'ers!!