Post by
counterintuitive247 on Nov 25, 2013 3:16pm
63.5k / flowing boe . Find another 96% 30% Decline company
Cheap metrics no doubt. Theres not very many public producers trading at the cheap metrics.
Really need some outcome from the strategic meetings though. I am waiting for this before I double down. Having intermin management for longer then 6 months is ridicoulous.
Looking forward to Jan 28, could mean a change if we dont see one soon. Only 44 trading days away when we as shareholders can vote.
Nothing from Front Four since there last press release. No callbacks from my messages to both their offices. Think they were just a short attempt to stir the pot and then decided to bail?
I'd like to see RRX buy this company in a share deal. We would get great management and a operating team that knows how to make these assets sing!