Ususally the truth lies somewher between what the involved companies choose to announce and which metrics they use. I don't know why
Surge is using a 2013 lower estimate/higher cost than
Renegades 2012 figures but if true its a better deal for us. Below is from
Surge's announcement and
Renegades figures provided.
Long life oil reserves
The acquisition adds proven and probable (P+P) reserves of 4.6 million boe (barrels of oil equivalent) as at Dec. 31, 2013 (96 per cent crude oil), assessed internally by Surge consistent with NI 51-101 guidelines. On this basis, Surge is paying $23.70 per barrel for P+P reserves.
Based on current production, the assets have a long reserve life index of more than 10 years (P+P).
Total Proved Reserves(3) 4,153 mboe
Total Proved Plus Probable Reserves ("2P")(3) 5,618 mboe = $19.40 per barrel
3. Based on Renegade's December 31, 2012 reserve report. Does not include 2013 volumes produced, 2013 reserve changes or operational activities.
Any Thoughts?