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LPRisBK on Jan 16, 2014 5:44pm
Be forewarned of Tim Granger
As a recent LPR investor....I was shocked to learn of Front-Four's decision to recommend Tim Granger for a position of leadership in RPL. Tim Granger has rightly earned the nick-name as the "death angel manger." His track record speaks for itself. He ushered Compton into BK after failing to properly manage the company. He followed that up with another failure at Molopolo (shareholders still haven't recovered from his handy-work).
Most recently he was/is the CEO of Lone Pine where he quickly sent that entity into bankruptcy court. He fashioned an agreement where bond holders are getting a sweet deal while retail shareholders will have all of their shares cancelled. In April when Granger was announced as the new CEO the first question he was asked by a hedge fund rep was whether he was going to pull a Compton on investors. He was adament in his denial that LPR would ever go the route of Compton as LPR had a great future, etc. etc....he just had to unlock its value....right. Within 6 months....he had the company in BK court.
This guy specializes in destroying shareholder wealth. I can garuantee he will set up a sweet deal where he and Front-Four will come out ahead while RPL shareholders will get burnt....its just what he does. Be forewarned by an LPR investor who lost big time by listening to Granger....don't allow him to make RPL the forth disaster he has been involved with.