Comment by
twoponds on Nov 30, 2021 10:38am
Some days I wished I didn't know what 25+ years of mining experience at Sifto/Compass gave me but I can't help, from my experience, be thoroughly appreciative of that knowledge I've gained. I will and would share GlennFiddich some day with Rowland to recollect my tenure at Sifto assured folks your investment is secure with him at the helm.
Comment by
silentrunning on Nov 30, 2021 3:17pm
Thank you TwoPonds for the kind reassuring words you've willingly shared, perhaps providing reassurance to those whom may require albeit when investing with a name like *Mr. Salt*.should speak volumes in of itself. The Voisey Bay of the other *White Gold* will undoubtedly make the Grand Entrance we anticipate. ;) Best to all Longs sr
Comment by
St0ckgirl on Nov 30, 2021 8:11pm
Ahhh there you are...SR...I was wondering where you went...good to see you back. Hope all is well with you!
Comment by
silentrunning on Dec 01, 2021 12:52am
Ahoy thar St0ckgirl all is pretty clear sailing from up yonder from what eye's see.....Cap'tn Craw has put this scalleywag on lookout duty in the crowsnest...sensing a battle brewing....keeps that powder dry matey...and the rum flowing when the spoils are tallied. Best & tnx