The Nov 29 MD&A on SEDAR actually tells us the number of holes drilled, the start and end dates, and zone/vein.
Apparently we are waiting for the assay results of 5 holes.
Table 10-3. Summary of 2022 Phase 2 diamond drilling on the Santo Domingo Silver Project, Mexico.
SD-22-59 606070.172 2334155.96 1159.487 327 216 -37 2/16/2022 2/26/2022 Zopilote
SD-22-60 606209.138 2334152.99 1128.458 128 269 -51 3/7/2022 3/16/2022 Zopilote
SD-22-61 606209.138 2334152.99 1128.458 503 251 -48 3/25/2022 4/13/2022 Zopilote
SD-22-62 606209.138 2334152.99 1128.458 336 248 -38 4/28/2022 5/11/2022 Zopilote
*SD-22-63 606613 2334461 990 136.6 189 -62 5/12/2022 5/26/2022 La Raya
SD-22-64 605984 2334156 1163 414.15 23 -83 6/4/2022 6/29/2022 Zopilote
*Abandoned hole.