Post by
JSMichau on Jun 19, 2019 10:00am
We need rebounce from the Venture Exchange
The price is heavily correlated with the JX (which is the TSX-Venture's index). And currently, the JX is almost at 2008 level (all time low). As long as the Venture doesn't have traction, even good news won't make the stock move, because no one is in the TSX-V (except cannabis stock). So I guess we need even more patience than what expected. The good thing is, this company is not going bankrupt and got upside, so I'll wait longer than I wanted, but not much choice anyway!
Also, I think that the coal mines are dragging the interest low, since some hedge fund now devest from coal stocks and other "dirty" energy.
Comment by
Pacmann on Jun 19, 2019 1:44pm
the coal is problem even though tango seem to be be doing ok with it. But I think they should scrap the coal mines sell it and invest in more diamond and or gold mines
Comment by
Pacmann on Jun 24, 2019 10:23am
Thanks for your inputs guys. I agree with Hemspter that we do need more news and updates more regularly than quarterly. And your right about Tucker dumping all his shares and sp going down with it. And I also heard from another discussion site that he has been reelected to the board as a director. Go figure. Gees
Comment by
rilangloi on Jun 30, 2019 4:32pm
salut JS peut tu m'expliquer pourquoi Tucker vend en malade depuis au moins 2 ans et que la CIE le garde comme chairman merci