...Leading machine learning AI analytics provider for the mineral exploration industry
...Analyzing big data collected over a very long time
...Consultancy business with a team of 40+ world-renowned geoscientists and data scientists
...18 million invested in R&D to rollout new tech tools
...review of financial milestones, investments, etc. all well known from the latest financial reports
...share structure has no outstanding warrants so no risk of unexpected dilution when share price increases
...Team is active across a diverse group of commodities gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, zinc, cobalt, platinum, aluminium, uranium, rare earths like lithium in Africa, N amd S America, Australia, Europe, Greenland, Middle East. Open to expansion in Asia and Australia
...compared themselves to the shovel seller during the Yukon gold rush
...their business model thrives in both bear and bull commodity market
...SPOT has had an incredible track record this year (New Found, Sterling silver, Monarch, etc.)
...acquisition of Ridgeline will provide revenue growth this year and into the future
...litholens analyzes old core data to obtain new insights, SAS mining product
... R&D team is working on over 40 new products:geophysics inversions, remote sensing, visualization, etc. Building sas tool kits needs both by juniors and producers to remove guesswork and minimize risk in search for new deposits
...launched products include litholens, smart targeting, and minusone
... core logging (litholens) 50 mil market could grow to 500 mil/yr with relogging historical cores. Big business!
...litholens is SPOT AI product in core logging, removes human costs and errors
...to date, litholens has generated 1.5 mil in revenues
...significant demand for this. Company is working to shift this from their consultant business to web application with monthly fees that will launch later this year
...no true data consolidation play in mining and exploration. SPOT Is first and only mover in sector.
...lots of small private companies out here but nothing like spot. Leads to lots of inconsistant and piecemeal practices
...mining exploration at inflexion point wrt technology
...as a public nucleus, SPOT sees a lot of potential in acquiring small fish to consolidate/complement its vertical offerings
...talking now about how exciting their baby Golden Planet is
...SPOT remains significantly undervalued by traditional consulting and tech multiples. Spot trades at 14x earnings, vs consulting at 50x and software at 90x
...2 potential acquisitions are currently being reviewed!
...reviewing a number of exciting opportunities in the saas space at this moment
....expansion into Australian market seems to be a priority
...Q&A now
...grand vision is to be an industy staple. Want to be part of all the best exploration stories that emerge. Want to be household brand, unavoidable destination for exploration companies. SPOT believes in a future of "self-driving" mines (like cars). The prospector of tomorrow will be an AI company.
...M&A is absolutely part of the growth strategy. Many undercapitalized opportunities out there.
...Are you intending to be more and more an exploration company? Not necessarily. Primarily a tech company although want to be involved in exploration at the inception of exciting stories.
... what attracted Sprott to SPOT? On the back of work for a company in Nevada in which Sprott was involved, became impressed, and decided to take a key positi9n in Spot. As spot gets involved in great early stories, Sprott is happy to get a piece of the action with mitigated risk through SPOT's own investment portfolio.
... Golden Planet, actively looking to go public in fall or early next year.
...litholens web app potential revs in 2022? At this moment, no idea. Noncommittal.
...as SPOT continues to prove itself with big discoveries/wins, their new AI machine learning paradigm will become more acccepted by the "slow to convince crowd" of companies