Post by
mrmomo on Jul 22, 2021 11:59am
Looks like they're purposely stalling.....
This is taking a lot longer than it should. Some initial drilling results from El Mezquite SHOULD have been available & made public by now. There could be only one reason why it's taking this long and why mgmt STILL hasn't released some early drilling results, the reason being they're probably NOT what was expected & most likely VERY disappointing. Imo, any postive drilling samples would have been released by now, even if they were half decent and not spectacular. This tells what was initially suspected from the beginning, that mgmt isn't being truthful (as usual) or transparent with their s/h and they're just dragging them along for their own personal benefit.
I'm really starting to beleive that these guys haven't changed their stripes ( most likely never had the intention to) and their motivations for existing or the company being around is just to collect a lucrative salary without have the intentions to actually buildout the company or do anything. Odds are they're probably trying to find ways to embark on a NEW 25 year cycle of flipping useless & mediocre properties and draining company coffers by continually bloating the share capital & recycling the process over & over again.
I've been investing for over 30 years in these markets, and trust me when i tell you that these types of companies are the WORST type you can find or invest in. Much worse than actual scams or scandals because you actually NEVER see the left hook coming that puts you out & gives you massive financial losses!
Good luck & God speed