Post by
nrv090909 on Jun 24, 2021 3:03pm
Therma has the best saliva based test backed with cloud technology, this test will last for years and year and always upgrade it to other variants that will come in the coming years. It's forever, this is a small Amazon type stock to me.
Comment by
DaveE92 on Jun 24, 2021 3:18pm
The market does not think this is the best or we would be trading alot higher.Two NR and the price continues to drop, the trend is your friend.
Comment by
nrv090909 on Jun 24, 2021 3:25pm
this is just market manipulation until major news comes. You all need to remember, only 3-5 of us on this board are holding from 2, and 4 and 7 cents. We have made our money when this hit .90 cents and $1.05. This is all gravy for us now. We are in it collecting re-runs.....
Comment by
nrv090909 on Jun 24, 2021 6:18pm
Acudvid is the only test on the market currently testing for Delta+ variant. No other test is right now. Therma is so ahead. All other companies will cancel contract and buy Acuvid, it's the most recent, most modern and most technologically advanced test for the nest 3 years the world will need. Thanks for the cheap shares today.