Post by
Boudi1959 on Oct 14, 2021 3:17pm
For all the bashers
and Non bashers, I have a question. Don't you think that if Therma was a hoax why the FDA didn't send them home already? Some people are saying that FDA is granting approval to no name testing and why on earth we are still on the list and they (FDA) are asking therma for more information for the last month or two? Isn't it easier for them to just say to therma that your test failed or Not approved? If insiders are dumping their shares we can understand what is going on but no one is dumping and the creditors are accepting shares for debts instead of cash. How do you explain that? Thanks
Comment by
Icekold on Oct 14, 2021 3:20pm
The fda will give you your day in court, but I think they will be found guilty of not being able to pass the tests. krap shoot.
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Kaiser on Oct 14, 2021 4:49pm
Dart is also an expert who predicted Sona would reach anywhere from $200-5100 per share. LOL
Comment by
Trueblood on Oct 14, 2021 5:21pm
Oh my Kaiser you were the same one bashing LAC as it went Tom $11 to $33. What a loser. What is your motive as a loser. A Jacka$$. Tell us Kaiser what is your motivation to bash Therma, LAC and CPG. You Fuc$$ing loser
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Trueblood on Oct 14, 2021 6:13pm
So LAC is a bloated pig going from $11 to $33 according to our Uber driver. We can only hope the same for Therma. This idiot is a sad clown
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Trueblood on Oct 14, 2021 6:19pm
Kaiser the most blocked clown on Stockhouse we all love your clown posts regarding LAC as it went from $11 to $33. Then you clown bashed CPG as it went from $1.00 to $6.50 and you bashed like a clown. We can only hope you hav the same luck with Therma
Comment by
Trueblood on Oct 14, 2021 7:05pm
You sad liar Therma is trading at a 52wh at $0.40 when it traded at $$1.05. What a disgusting liar. Just proves you are a low paid troll. On the LAC board you ar a laughing stock basing a stock as it rose from $11 to $33. We can only hope your luck runs the same path with Therma