The same trust holds a lot of shares in Titan Logixx, i believe?
As of the date hereof, The Article 6 Marital Trust created under the First Amended and Restated Jerry Zucker Revocable Trust dated April 2, 2007, Cory Tamagi, Angela Hulshof, Darren Epp and Robert Johnston (together, the "
Supporting Shareholders") collectively beneficially own, directly or indirectly, or exercise control or direction over, 4,693,280 Common Shares, which represent approximately 45.8% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares. Each of the Supporting Shareholders have, separately entered into lock-up agreements with Sicame Canada and SubCo under which they have agreed, among other things, to vote in favour of the Amalgamation, and to be restricted by non-solicitation and exclusivity provisions. Forms of the Lock-Up Agreements with the Supporting Shareholders, will bereviewable on the Company's profile on SEDAR at