Post by
DJDawg on Jul 03, 2022 10:39am
Dangers of playing the swing trade
I think that the speculators who play the swing trade on TLT have been lucky as they have been abel to build their strategy around the somewhat predictable quarterly reports in the past. Build up the price and then run it back down.
I note that the April 5 news release of data was not labelled as a quarterly. There have been no quarterlies since Nov. I feel that the quarterlies are done forever.
This means that TLT could release any new patient updates or updates in general at any time. This means that anyone playing games (vs the long holders who just sit tight) will have a harder time getting back in if there is a "suprise" update of any kind.
While the BTD announcement is not imminent, the stock could have pops on good patient updates which the company could release in whatever batches it wants.
So as far as imminent catalysts, not sure what to expect or when. But the swing traders are equally handicapped and will struggle to get back in easily if there is any good news released.
Comment by
Rumpl3StiltSkin on Jul 03, 2022 10:49am
I agree Dog, Yet that means we may not see a run up ahead of any qtr NR. So the the SP sell off after. TLT has become unpredictable. :-) This should play to our favor with any Covid 19 treatment news. Or any BTD application NR. I expect both this year. And yes any patient data, yet that has been frustrating as the data is kinda confusing...???
Comment by
Oilminerdeluxe on Jul 03, 2022 11:07am
Why cant TLT make a table with just optimized patiens and one with both? How hard can it be? I can't be the only one having to guess just what the heck the data means. Maybe things will be much clearer once Roger is back. If he comes back
Comment by
Legit62 on Jul 03, 2022 1:17pm
The FDA will surely know how to interpret results is what really matters and that IMO will take care of share price, i got a very sizable investment here and once BTD is announced, i think we will all be happy, and i dont think us long share holders are selling out anytime soon, this technology will be new standard in treating cancer IMO