Post by
Dragunov on Jul 22, 2023 12:43pm
Is TMG a good investment?
If it is, then why don't insiders themselves buy it? Doesn't Crossland believe his own propaganda videos and NRs? It appears so. They all know what's REALLY going on, and aren't fooled by the rosy BS messaging.
Some may bring up the fact, like Crossland does in his videos, that he's already a major shareholder. OK, then why doesn't he care more about the share price? Is it because getting a paycheck for nothing is less work? I think so. And he uses the granted shares to keep himself in power.
If TMG is undervalued, why isn't its stock being repurchased and canceled? If it's because TMG has no money to do so, ask yourself why that is after decades in business. Where's the growth in revenues gone to? Answer: insiders pockets, ALL OF IT.
Some here are recommending that you invest in TMG saying, "it's a good entry point". For what? I can certainly understand why the current bagholders want you to take this unproductive stock off their hands, but why should you now want to burden yourself with this load of Crossland's manure? Nothing has changed at TMG, despite his profuse claims. This is a fixed capacity non-profit company with a bloated overhead. Until the crooks at the top are ousted, this stock will continue to drift sideways.
As much as I, a current bagholder, would like to get rid of this unproductive asset run by a bunch of completely useless imbeciles like Crossland, I recommend that you don't buy a single share before you review TMG's history. Look at the fruits they've borne, or lack thereof. Observe the propaganda videos put out by the incompetent CEO where he constantly embellishes reality. If TMG was a winner as some here claim, buyers wouldn't haggle monthly over $0.005 with the disillusioned sellers, and insiders would themselves buy in. The price is stuck where it is because most have already caught on to the fact that TMG is no good.
Comment by
panapple42 on Jul 22, 2023 8:03pm
Record yearly sales. A robust business environment for industrial efficiency. Nothing we say here can change the future.