Comment by
LonghandStrong on May 06, 2021 4:01pm
hey Forester, how come when you are grasping at straws that you bring out your time machine analogies?
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O45rpm on May 06, 2021 4:23pm
I was into SEA since 2006 I'm so glad I got out last year when the price was at 17€ Why putting money into something, that won't go higher? I waited 14 years for the big day to come. Never happened. That's why I'm with you guys. As I said before, this time on the right side of the mountain. just relax, this will be our year.
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LonghandStrong on May 07, 2021 10:45am
we qrent looking at commercial property, we are looking at evaluating the feasibility of an early stage mineral prospect.
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MarcusA on May 07, 2021 10:50am
Man, consider yourself lucky! If your wife still notices your dirty thoughts and cares to comment. things are not that bad... There are many marriages between partners that only know the backside of the others cellphone [off topic mode off]