• The first Resource Estimate for Treaty Creek is expected shortly, which we anticipate will continue to grow based on results attained from the upcoming 2021 exploration drill program.  
  • We also look forward to master geologist Ken Konkin guiding the drill bit(s) into something substantial on the PSZ anomaly, which visually appears ‘potentially’ larger  than the Goldstorm. 
    • BlueSky discovery at PSZ would certainly attract the attention of more than a few Major’s.
      • The plan to drill the PSZ anomaly is partly from a natural human curiosity – but more importantly, it is part of a strategic exploration agenda to grow the value of Treaty Creek …which would benefit shareholders of all Three Amigos.
    • If gold prices continue to rise as projected then the competition by Majors to acquire Treaty Creek should also increase... subject to proven ounces in the ground.