I’m...........perplexed. They recently identified a new vertical, IOT. What was it 6 years ago when they launched the IoTAir™ thingy. So is six years recent, or is this another in their series of announcing things that are "new" that are new at all. See patent licensing and dev kits for other examples.
On to the meat. If I am reading this correctly they will be shipping engineering samples later this year. Don't place bets on this would be my advice. But they also said they will be shipping $400K of product by later this year. Huh? There is also the small detail of reaching terms and signing a contract.
As usual the presser is long on hype and short on details. How they can do anything with their capital position is a huge question. I guess now it's just watch and wait and wait. For a company that has hyped a POC for years this WC thing is strangely muted.