Post by
hottubbrad on Feb 25, 2021 11:49am
Use limits to sell shares at $100 (or $500) to stop shorters
If you set a limit order to sell your shares at some extremely high price (or any price for that matter), this will lock in your shares so they cannot be "lent" to a shorter. Shorters are holding us back. Let's work together to help hurt the shorters. I just did this on Questrade and it works. Choose GTC as your timing (max 90 days with Questrade).
Comment by
arcoe1 on Feb 25, 2021 1:45pm
Just so you know... Shares cannot be lent out to shorters unless they are held in a margin account which I would tend to believe would be the case for most 'investors' in ZEN. At any rate I don't think shorting is the major problem with this partuicular company.