Post by
bankerboy28 on Apr 27, 2013 8:37pm
The Next Step.....................................
the Spartan deal fell through about 6 months ago and we got 12 thats alright...but clearly PRY was interested in merger and being a dividend paying company around 8% or so....makes me wonder about whats next..merger/ takeover/ or be takenover...alot of speculation on Renegade and Pinecrest merger with same goal as the Spartan attempt...we have very similar market cap and shares outstanding...combined company would have assets of 1,359,720 with liabilities of 539,721...both have good netbacks and debt would be better at 327,519 on line of 480,000 combined...current dividend of 19% with RPL would be cut in half to around 8%...paydown debt so its around 240,000 or less and have Wade be the CEO of the new company...noticed that as the prices have fallen with insider buying and their presentation is off their website and also with PRY prices nice and insider buying for last month...the last buys were in March 23 at $ buying in April...I have a feeling that something is in the works...both stock prices have been manjpulated and held down...PRY under $1.00 and RPL under $1.20....this is just my opinion...time will tell...BB28
Comment by
bonjovi501 on Apr 28, 2013 10:16am
bankerboy........I think you might be correct. Time will tell is right. Like both companies
Comment by
bankerboy28 on Apr 28, 2013 12:28pm
I agree with you terroir....I think Wade's past connection with Crescent Point is leading him to think along the same strategy for growth....the formula worked very well for Crescent Point and I think Pinecrest is trying to go in the same direction...there are plenty of cheap cheap assets out there...BB28