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Jc6230 on Nov 02, 2020 10:32am
Good investment and keep adding to each level rise
canadian brokers and canadian analysts already said stock will get steady rise to $12+ quickly and the expansion across Canada and California expansion... should be listed onto Nasdaq on near future and we will be in big money territory. most of us investors and funds keep buying more every increase to level up investments. Beyond Meat, roku, amd, nio, tesla, peloton each made me millions within months to a year and keep growing and expect this one too.
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EatGreenGoGreen on Nov 02, 2020 10:37am
How do you get away from Capital Gains? Rich get richer I wish everyone can get in..
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Jc6230 on Nov 02, 2020 10:41am
I grew my tfsa tax free account for retirement. But on my regular account I get dinged if i sell some in future so I pick stocks that have growth so I can hold long term. But if I need say $250,000 to do Reno's on one of my properties, then I have to pay about 25% of 50% of the total stock sold as capital gains. It took about 4 years from $250,000 to grow my portfolio into millions.
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Bullchart1 on Nov 02, 2020 10:39am
Yep, hard to do sometimes but sell the losers, take capital loss, and park it here for future growth. Looking forward to a TSE listing