Post by
phoenix_trader on Aug 12, 2021 10:37pm
Did Orion invent a new version of the death spiral?
Assuming slam is right in this, -"then the 75% of the spread is paid to Orion in Coeur shares up to the 300 million cap." . Orion blows all it's Coeur shares driving the CDE to a fraction of historical price. VGCX is sold for $25-30 meaning Orion receives $300 million super cheap CDE shares and then hypes the CDE shares selling at a significant profit. The end game was Orion received marketable CDE shares for an illiquid VGCX position then replaced the sold CDE shares at a cheap price after VGCX sells. What a way of placing VGCX in play and generating cash along the way.
H'mm what's to stop Orion from finding another miner to buy their remaining VGCX for the same deal. Lets face it VGCX remains illliquid and very volatile on volume. Hopefully that miner reads Stockhouse.