GREY:VITFF - Post Discussion
Post by
KenoHillYT on Jan 06, 2025 4:33pm
Some interesting comments on the actual cause of failure.
The linked comments and requests below are addressed towards Victoria Gold and YG and speaks to a "lack" of enforcement of repeated oversight?
It fact the Letter to the Auditor General could explain or at least point to a cause why the loss of containment happened?
Remember the cat skinners comments about the craze of spiderwebs appearing just before the "ride" and the subsequent loss of containment?
"The First Nation wants Canada's auditor general to look into what happened at the Eagle mine and how 'failures in governmental oversight' may have played a role."
In the letter the comments and further reported statments by Forte Dynamics are especially troubling?
"Over the four months it took to repair the HLF, YG noted more than once that VGC would
undertake an investigation and eventually report on the incident. To FNNND's knowledge, YG
never engaged a geotechnical expert of its own to study the cause of the slide and advise on an
appropriate response. It appears YG simply deferred to VGC. YG ultimately cleared the
immediately impacted slide area for ore stacking in late May 2024. VOC's consultant, Forte
Dynamics, prepared a root cause report dated July 5, 2024, which identified the primary cause of
the January slide as VGC's overloading of the ore bench by "significantly exceeding the designed height" by more than double. 26 Forte also identified VGC's improper ore placement
methods, which involved stacking ore from top to bottom without buttressing, as a cause of slope
instability.27 Tragically of course, this root cause report is dated roughly II days after the
catastrophic collapse of the HLF. At no point did YG notice or remark on VGC's flagrantly
improper ore stacking methods either before or after the January slide. Further, in the six months
between the January precursor slide and the ultimate collapse of the HLF in June, YG appears to
have failed to engage any expertise or expend any significant effort to ascertain the root cause to
avoid recurrence or to identify operational issues."
"Further, for eight months preceding the disaster, YG allowed VGC to operate without a properly
functioning water conveyance channel crucial to the management of fluid in the HLF. The
adsorption, desorption, and recovery ("ADR") pad ditch is the technical name for one element in
maintaining this balance. It was meant to ensure water runoff did not impact the HLF water
balance and so was especially important during freshet in April-May. The YWB characterized
this element as "an integral part of the overall water management system for the HLF," and that
the entire water balance model of the HLF "is predicated on the ADR pad ditch being installed
and operated.,,'7 Given its role, VGC was not even pennitted to use the HLF without first
ensuring the ADR pad ditch was fully functional."
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