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Tropicalsun on Jun 01, 2021 6:46pm
Viemed, What are you Guys Doing??
With all do respect to everyone that posts on this board, except of course that idiot B2B, the King of Lies and useless drivel. Such a dissapointment to see this company today, knowing where it was just a short while ago. Management has dropped the ball a few times, and shareholders have, and are heading for the exit. No one could have predicted the Covid pandemic, and the effects it would have on many business's.
However Viemed has shot itself in the foot a few times both directly and indirectly, first the CMS rate cut back in 2018 I believe, killed the stock. Then announcing that stupid shelf life prospectus, killed the stock. Then their incredibily stupid phantom share plan, killed the stock. Now this OIG report that everyone here keeps saying means nothing, still is killing the stock. As Iscfa, myself, and most others know, they don't even put the correct figure in a press release, nor do they bother to correct any misguided information given in the report. It seems to me that management wants the shareprice to drop, hell donmayne posted that because of their stupid Phantom share plan, a lower stock price puts money back in the war chest.
Their are a lot of good posters on this board, but C'mon guys what VMD is doing is shamefull. They don't care that long time shareholders are heading for the exit, management has lost the confidence of many shareholders. The volume traded since this report surfaced is the proof in the pudding yet again, remember this not the first rough patch. These guys continue to line their own pockets, and they continue to make critical mistakes, at the expense of the retail shareholders. Vmd was once a market darling, it would certainly appear that is no longer the case. Confidence has eroded, and sadly this now has become a show me story once again. Until this management team can provide a clear path back to growth, this stock price will suffer.
Time to do more walking and much less talking, before I ever return to this name. Shame on you Mr. CEO.
Comment by
besttobe on Jun 01, 2021 6:53pm
Gee a former bagholder Tropic speech. That should make bagholders on this bullboard fell better. All of a sudden the biggest loser on stockhouse paints himself as a hero, after losing his shirt. even compares himself in the same company as ISCFA. What an idiot...
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JackLambert on Jun 01, 2021 7:05pm
Yup. I hear you. But we are still one press release away from prime time. I put this one down to DD. Know the risks and know your tolerance.
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lscfa on Jun 01, 2021 7:15pm
AGM June 10. I voted against overpaid Hoyt and Zehnder.
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jomen1789 on Jun 01, 2021 9:29pm
Great summary of all the blunders done by this management. I hope Beacon and other firms grill them. Even revising the price target lower would put pressure on the greedy clowns at Viemed. We're at 8.65 now, so now in the hell can we get to $16 in Fall 2021 (which is 1 year from all the price targets set last year, like $17, heck even $19).
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besttobe on Jun 02, 2021 6:41am
Yes MGT compensation package is heavy, but MGT has stated in the past that % growth would slow as the company grew. All the other issues related to this stock, were beyond MGT's control. The biggest risk to any DME stock is Gov't regulation. I assume you knew that when you bought the stock.