Post by
Q400dash8 on May 07, 2020 12:29pm
Next weeks finncials
I'm going to start buying up Vivo next week before financials.
i think it's going to be an exciting week.
Go Vivo!!
Comment by
buddy12 on May 07, 2020 1:20pm
nothing but 'day-trader' manipulated SHORT term (usually 1-2 days) "rallies" with the eoconomy in utter tatters, this ain't going anywhere anytime soon, and CERTAINLY ain't gonna STICK if it rallies up a few cents, as it's done the last few months, coz like the general economy, it's merely getting artificailly propped up, and thus manipulated
Comment by
Schaffhausen on May 07, 2020 2:20pm
Wow, now that's a bold prediction, "the stock will go up and down sometime in the future". Words to invest by. Cheers, Schaff
Comment by
Macpoor on May 09, 2020 3:48am
I am not here to flip a coin ,heads come I win ,tail lose. I am here to invest at least for few years. You are like a broken record repeating yourself. The balance sheet is solid as rock with few dollars in bank .Their products are selling and also getting out internationally. I believe there are worse pot companies out there than this one. I am sure you agree with me on the last part?
Comment by
Buddyboy on May 09, 2020 9:41am
Don’t waste your time man. There are some serious mental health issues there.