Post by
david196868 on Nov 14, 2020 2:27pm
Cash flow
Can someone please explain me how did we go from 22m to 3 on cash flow ? Is it because they reduced debt ?
Comment by
NSPfacts on Nov 15, 2020 7:18pm
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Comment by
Dragon1 on Nov 19, 2020 11:23am
If revenues do not increase significantly in rec and medical I'm afraid we will see more dilution.Although cannabis sales keep increasing in Canada,prices are droping because too much pot is chasing not enough buyers.Some serious consolidation will be required down the line.
Comment by
jayoneill on Nov 19, 2020 2:14pm
That's why they are concentrating on low cost cultivation, better margins. Shoppers and Quebec addition should increase our sales. Also, hard to sell when the stores were limiting everyone’s products in Q3, but now they said it seemed to normalize with increased orders in October and into November. Need to get in more stores in the future I agree and I’m sure that is the plan.