While the TSX Venture is very near its 52 week low, Woulfe is very near its 52 week high. Do you appreciate just how unique that is?
There are something less than 2,200 Venture companies and the best 20% of them (434 companies) made the last reported Venture Composite Index on Sept 28, 2012. Woulfe was #86 on that list with a market cap that day of 96m based on a .305 s/p. In the two months since then almost all of those 434 companies have taken a serious hit and many an almost tragic hit. I reviewed about 100 of the companies that had a higher market cap than Woulfe back on September 28th, and it is very sad to see how the majority of them have fallen. Not so with Woulfe. Since September 28th Woulfe has been gathering steam and its market cap today ended at 113m based on the.36 s/p.
Are we ever invested in the correct venture company. The next S&P/TSX Venture Composite will come out on January 18th--don't be surprised if Woulfe has moved up to the top 40 by then given its current dirrection and the opposite direction of so many companies formerly ahead of them on the TSXV. The S&P/TSX Venture Select Index is made up of the best 91 companies from the Venture Composite Index. Woulfe is certain to be well in the mix with that Venture Select Index when it comes out again in January. That will open the door to more investment funds which are limited to only those selected companies on the TSXV. It remains to be seen if Woulfe can make the jump to the Venture 30 Index (which is next calculated based on January 31st values), but if the s/p can close January at .60 s/p that would be more than enough to make the Venture 30 Index (an quite possibly .55 s/p might even make it).
In short, nobody should be complaining about Woulfe these days. Especially when compared to the other Venture stocks. No specific date has been promised by Brian for the financing to be firmed up. He made it clear that he was optimistic that it would be firmed up before Christmas, but truth is, to a large extent, it is beyond his control. IMC and the Bank are multi-billion dollar companies and they will not be rushed in this decision by the penny stock company. Their committee process will review it and re-review it, as will their lawyers, until it is exactly as it should be. It is no simple one person decision for them. There is no indication that there is any complication with the financing being firmed up soon. Retail investors just need to stop building straw man dates just to have them knocked over. If retail investors can't see that, then I am sure companies like Dundee, who have done their dd, are more than willing to buy any of their shares that come available on a dip. We adults need not be like kids in a car that ask every 3 minutes "are we almost there now?" Surely we can hold it a little longer than kids can. We will have a Merry Christmas.