1. The asset (Sangdong mine) has not changed.
2. The big shareholders have not changed (none of them are selling).
3. The Stratigic agreement with IMC has not changed.
4. The letter of understanding with the bank has not changed.
5. The overall poor performance of the global economy has not changed.
6. The fact that neither IMC or the Bank have advanced any funds yet has not changed.
7. Only 2 things have changed: First, the price of tungsten is a bit down. Second, people are a bit less certain as to whether the IMC and bank financing will happen soon. The trading volume with this most recent decline to .31 has been low--it is being driven by retail investors who are increasingly more uncomfortable with this penny stock risk. None of the big players seem to be concerned. Plenty of people will be willing to buy at these reduced prices, especially once January 1st comes and the TFSA Canadian limits go up another $5,500 per person. Really folks, it is unfortunate that the financing wasn't completed before Christmas, but nobody should be surprised that not much will be happening by way of legal work between Christmas and New Years. Patience is the word.