Post by
GaiusGermanicus on Oct 24, 2013 4:50pm
There I was happily accumulating . . .
Trying to make up for the dilution under my average when BAM someone slammed the door in the face of my pathetic bids . . . with, as far as I can tell, no news . . .
Did something substantiative happen over the last five or six days and I just blinked and missed it?
Or did ONE person decided to buy a few hundred thousand shares and set the entire price balance on its head for awhile? So what happens if someone wades into the wishing well and tries to pull a few hundred thousand shares OUT?
Comment by
ark88 on Oct 25, 2013 10:04am
Yes, Feb 26th, the maturity date for the loans from IMC is the critical date. On a lesser note, almost one half of the total warrants outstanding (13 mil. @$0.30) expires on August 31, 2014. Aren't these warrants held by Insiders? Dundee, KZ et al and the terms of these warrants were set by themselves. If they let this slide by, they would be leaving potentially a lot of money on the table.
Comment by
ABCD123 on Oct 25, 2013 2:01pm
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