Post by
chizzles on Feb 26, 2014 3:00pm
Since Woulfe's most recent NR, the day before yesturday, our share price went from .13 to a low of .10 today which is a HUGE drop off. What they stated in the NR was just confirming what they already told us a while ago. Why is there such a sell off now? Can somebody explain?
Comment by
TechOne on Feb 26, 2014 3:04pm
No idea.. May just be retail investors who are bailing because they don't want to be on CSE.. Just my guess.. Who knows.. I have decided not to bother voting my shares.. It will not make any difference since Dundee's shares and other institutional shares will carry the day whether you are for or against what is on the table..
Comment by
Pauly10 on Feb 26, 2014 3:05pm
People are confused and scared and making speculations. Total speculation!! The ones that have posted negative comments have single handed killed our stock because they don't know and post bull to get others scared. I'm not scared and not selling. Why would Dundee want to hurt the mine? It just isn't logical.