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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum Woulfe Mining Corp WFEMF

Woulfe Mining Corp is a mineral exploration company. It is engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties.

GREY:WFEMF - Post Discussion

Woulfe Mining Corp > post deleted from german ws-online site
Post by 74volfram on May 17, 2015 5:19am

post deleted from german ws-online site

Last week (May 9) german poster "grauemuetze" posted four times about his visit to the Sangdong mine on the german bulletin board wallstreet-online (posts 81.957, 81.958, 81.959, 81.960, between 3:57 and 4:03 AM, EU time, likely from Korea +7 hrs).
When I checked the german board, I only found the first and the last of the four posts, the other two had already been removed. Post 81.957 was likely the longest of the four and seemed to contain actionable information. I and Chizzles posted translations on this board.

I re-checked the site today looking for more from grauemuetze (he had indicated he was leaving the area on May 15).  Now the long 81.957 post has also been removed.  The only remaining post is 81.960, which is a brief clarification on previous material.

I do not know the policy of wallstreet-online on taking down posts. My thought is that grauemuetze posts were describing more than somebody thought appropriate and these people asked that the posts be taken down.  Either that or grauermuetze runs a most sophisticated boiler-room operation.  If he reads this board he should try posting the removed material and whtever else he feels appropriate here. The readership is larger and chances are good that his posts will be read and remembered before they are taken down. The translations of his now deleted post are still on this stock-house board

The odd situation:
- IMC decision on financing has to be coming soon.
- Company is not promoting. Not looking to raise outsider money.
- Dundee Resources is providing bridge funds. Company is working at the site.
- Company does not communicate what they are doing, not even to locals.
- Potentially actionable information is deleted.
- CEO will provide comprehensive update during next 2 week (according to the deleted post).
Comment by chrisp6712 on May 17, 2015 8:03am
I may know who grauemuetze is. If it's the person I think it is, he works for Deloitte Consulting. I have reached out to him and will let you know if I hear anything. M. D., if you read this, please contact me.
Comment by kilgor on May 27, 2015 12:33pm
chrisp6712...... any word from your DC contact?
Comment by chrisp6712 on May 27, 2015 3:41pm
Not a 'contact' of mine but I think his name is M. D. who is a management consultant for Deloitte. He is involved in the M&A practice specializing in Post Merger Integration. His project experience includes Manufacturing, and Energy/Utilities. Please take all this with caution. It is only a guess with no inside knowledge. I am trying to contact him through various channels ...more  
Comment by lonade on May 18, 2015 5:14am
With the little (or none) information being provided by the Company, one tries to interpret every bit of news/rumor coming to our attention... I would consider it positive that the messages on the german board had to be deleted. It could be a indication that he recieved information that he was not supposed to and disclosing the information on a public board was also not in the interest of ...more  
Comment by tradercarib2 on May 18, 2015 7:50am
Can someone outline in bullet points the key points in the post which was taken down?
Comment by lonade on May 18, 2015 8:12am
refer to the post of 74volfram on the 10th May. that contains the best translation of the german board.