Post by
TechOne on Jul 10, 2015 2:42pm
Numbers, Valuation
As far as I am concerned, we do know what the mine could be worth if it was developed and operated successfully over a long stretch.. And there in lies the problem of pegging the price today..
1. The risk of losing the mine due to increasingly unhappy local authorities who are rightly p i s s e d that it is taking forever to get started..
2. Expertise to get the job done.. Other then Almonty, no one else has stepped up to to buyout WOF.V..
3. IMC has not publicly commented once through all the changes at WOF.. From Dundee to Almonty, everry one claims that deal with IMC is still valid but it has not been concluded and IMC has never publicly disputed management's claims.
4.. Other Institutional investors, ie Korea Zinc etc. have shown no interest in stopping Almonty or taking over Woulfe and get the job done.. So I assume, they support Almonty's move..
5.. Finally, at this stage, looks like swapping WOF.V shares for AII.V is the prudent thing to do for share holders since until now Dundee was the big hope but they turned out to be just financial engineers and not mine builders..
If there is any other suitor, they will have to step up now before the merger goes through.. Frankly, I am not counting on it.. Certainly, I would prefer exchange of shares vs. some one just paying couple of pennies more and force us to cash out..
Comment by
ForesstGump on Jul 10, 2015 2:45pm
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