Post by
goldminegirl on Oct 06, 2011 2:36pm
off with their heads!
I am not a throw the baby out with the bath water kind of person. My hope is that credible business people who are shareholders will go in and sort it out with management. We don't have to have a purge here just an honest evaluation of the management and what they can do for us. If we have people who could do a good job but are hamstrung then clear the way to let them do their job. If we have people who need support then get it for them and if we have people who are in the way (if they are such great managers they should already know that) give them a chance to move aside for someone better suited.
Comment by
chasibo on Oct 06, 2011 3:28pm
Yes, by all means lets get rid of them. Pronto. And don,t forget why their hands are out They will be waiting for the "GOLDEN HANDSHAKE" just like the Bankers and Politicians. So treat them gently darlings. I'm going out for a bagel.