Post by
SORNG1 on Jan 09, 2023 12:09pm
I recently read an article that BP energy is purchasing Archaea Energy for 4.1 billion dollars. I have no knowledge about Archaea Energy but looking at their webisite they produce RNG from organic waste sites. The picture of their sites shows large "Legacy Like" on site construction. This would obviously be much more expensive than a factory produced Biostream. Archaea's last earnings report showed significant losses. Despite this, BP energy is buying it for 4.1 billion dollars. It makes no sense but does bing up the question on whether large gas and oil companies are investing in the production of RNG. Obviously, BP energy has just made a signigicant investment. Chevron has partenered with Brightmark to produce RNG from farms and has ordered 18 Biostreams for their projects. Xebec has made no further comments about this since last September when trading was stopped. If Archaea Energy can command a 4.1 billion dollar buyout from BP, I see no reason that Xebec would not also be an attractive buy out for a large energy company. As a Renewable Hydrocarbon, RNG should be an attractive energy source to supplement and potentially replace fossil natural gas as Waste to Energy gains more traction. Hopefully the next month will bring some clarity to the future of Xebec Adsorption. We need to hear from the company.
Comment by
dalesio_98 on Jan 09, 2023 1:07pm
Archae Energy was not under CCAA. Xebec Adsorption will go the way of a fire sale/privatization unless shareholder efforts with a potential competitive bid come to fruition. Monitor will further advise in very short order, not in February.