Mr. Green will report directly to Rob Bohorad, Yuengling’s President and CEO, and the two will work closely on the Company’s strategy in preparation for its upcoming relaunch. Mr. Green also will play an integral role in assisting the Company with its acquisition of the production facility. Finally, he will assist the Company in identifying and analyzing other potential acquisitions, partnerships and licensing deals
Mr. Green has been in the ice cream industry for more than 40 years. While he has worked with numerous companies, he is best known for his role with Ben & Jerry’s, as he was instrumental in Ben & Jerry’s growth from $107 million to more than $275 million in sales. “I had the incredible opportunity to have a front row seat and be a part of an experience like Ben & Jerry’s,” said Mr. Green. “At Yuengling’s, we are not looking to create another Ben & Jerry’s, but rather, the new Yuengling’s Ice Cream. While the Yuengling brand is already well-known thanks to the success of the brewery, Rob and I realize it will require a lot of hard work (and a lot of fun) to build a successful ice cream brand. One thing I am very excited about is Rob’s work prior to my arrival on the acquisition of a production facility. I know from experience the value of having one’s own plant. One of my immediate priorities is to assist in closing the transaction.”
“I could not be more excited to work with Chuck on Yuengling’s strategy and future development,” said Rob Bohorad, Yuengling’s President and CEO. “And, while I will be working directly with Chuck, he has an entire team and network behind him with a wealth of knowledge and experience that only enhances the relationship.”